Archives for posts with tag: feelings

the fires in your heart

Power and Grace

shall be where i forge

my Love’s strength for you

the sword within my soul

the tempered steel of my Love

that with I shall SHOUT !

not whisper

to the Gods

seated in their Heavens

the value

of my Love for you

i steal some words –

is there not one thing in your life

worth losing everything for ?   The Wind and the Lion

i add

is there not one thing in my life

worth GIVING everything for ? !

yes !  YOU

dimensions – can we define Hell ?   can we define a prison built of our own ?

my prison is my trying to keep my emotions from being expressed to you

my Hell is being without you

can you put a fence around my love ?


better to fence the universe – my love Has no dimensions

why try express a love that is “wider than the ocean ”

“taller than the tallest mountains ”

when this is no expression of the heights or depths or width of feeling

why limit an emotion of love to such a confined place

as one planet – or as small

as the universe

and the universe is a very small space in the dimension of my imagination

there are no dimensions – no limits –  no fences

to confine my love

the universe too small a place to hold my love for you

to complete the thoughts

can anyone measure

the hurt  the pain

the joy   the excitement

that a lover can give you ?

the depths of a Hell that we can descend


the heights of a Heaven

we can soar to ?

give me the writer

who can chronicle

the power of these emotions

and i give you the writer

the author

the greatest of all time

Love is the greatest of emotions

because it gives birth

to all the others

love is the  Mother of all emotions


a measure without definition

when dealing with emotions

can you measure the distance or closeness

between two lovers hearts ?

can you measure feelings

when they are a fire of passion

or slowly fading into ash

can you weigh hurt

or the joy of love ?

no scale can handle the weights

of our feelings

there are no limits of measures

to love

i write the words

that flow like the life that pulses

thru my heart

you are the love that is my life

that powers the pulse

that gives me life

a circle of passion

that is the fire

that lives within the stars

and lights the Heavens

there is no beauty that can rival yours

none that has the fire

that burns in my heart